Experience renewed life by becoming more involved in parish ministries!
Te invita al Grupo de Oración!
Vengan a mí los que van cansados, llevando pesadas cargas, y yo los aliviaré. Mateo 11:28 *Oración, Evangelización, y Alabanzas*
Are you looking for a way to share your faith, time and talents with others? The CCD program needs you! Catechists (teacher), aides, sacramental preparation and high school volunteers are needed. You don’t have to have a child in our program to volunteer. We encourage all adults to prayerfully consider whether this ministry is right for you! All volunteers must be cleared through our Safe and Sacred program. We provide training and support along the way. If interested, please contact Pat Garret in our Religious Education office at 924.2826 Ext 209.
St Peter’s always needs volunteers to clean our church every Tuesday!
San Pedro siempre necesita voluntaries para limpiar nuestra iglesia!
Is God calling you to a ministry in our church; there is an opening for the Grief Ministry here at St Peter's. Please open your heart to God's voice so this much needed ministry may continue. I will help you get started and walk with you. Contact Elvira Godinez at (559) 707-1551.
Please consider joining us (as families or even as leaders) to learn life skills, have fun, and help our youth grow into the best versions of themselves.
- Cub Scout Pack 402 (K-Elementary)
- Boy Scout Troop 402/B (Boys 11-18 y/o)
- Girl Scout Troop 402/G (Girls 11-18 y/o)
We hope you can join us! Contact Juli Polder at (916) 284-6753 or Julie Cardoso at (559) 633-0113 for more info or join our FB group “Catholic Mother’s Bible Study Group- Lemoore.”